Abbey Baptist Church, Reading

A place of prayer A place of discovery A place of refuge


A Place of Prayer, Discovery, Refuge


Prayer is at the heart

When we moved to our present site in 1979, a short trip over the Holy Brook, we were still in the area of Reading where the great Abbey founded by Henry I in 1121 - and dissolved by Henry VIII in 1539 - had stood and in so doing joined our friends at St. James’ Roman Catholic Church.
Together we have inherited the task of offering three great resources to the people of Reading: a place of prayer, a place of discovery and a place of refuge.

At the heart of all we do is our belief in God who is made known to us in Jesus and is present in this world by the Spirit.  To God we turn for the resources and the energy in the work that is ours to do - and for the forgiveness in our failure.


  Discovery is the way

Among those who use our building are many who come to learn about the world in which they live and how they can better relate to it and serve it.

The first Christians were called disciples (learners), and we are no different.  We are engaged in discovery - about God and the world, about how they relate and about our place in that relating.


 Refuge is our ministry

In a world of pressure and stress, many people seek a refuge: a place where they will be granted friendship and acceptance simply because they are God’s creatures.  We aim to offer that place of safety and care which enables people to recover their true selves and their stability.


  • Abbey Square
  • Abbey Square
  • Reading
  • Berkshire
  • RG1 3BE

0118 957 2197
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